Fine Art Photography


ELYAH by Aurore Klein

PLANET 2024 aims not only to reveal the beauty of the environment that surrounds us but also to create a bridge between artistic photography and nature restoration. This is why our association, Free Spirit, has chosen to collaborate with the talented artist photographer Aurore Klein, whose exquisite images from her SPIRIT series offer us such a unique perspective of the forest, the land, and the ocean. Each sale of photographic artwork from this series will contribute to tree planting worldwide, as the artist will donate 50% of the profits to support the RE-GREEN THE PLANET program.

Aurore Klein is not just a talented photographer but a true ambassador for nature. By acquiring one of her artworks, you not only enhance your living space with art but also actively participate in the reforestation of our planet.


As spiritual beings, we humans hold a unique and precious position as both guardians and children of our planet. Our paramount role is to look after the Earth and preserve its wellbeing, recognizing that we are intrinsically connected to it and all its creatures.

This responsibility calls on us not only to protect and preserve our environment, but also to nurture our own spiritual growth, so as to cultivate the wisdom, compassion, and love necessary to fully embody our protective role.

By establishing a harmonious balance between our inner development and our external commitment, we can work together for the wellbeing of the world and all its inhabitants.

The beauty of nature transcends the bounds of our perception, extending far beyond what our eyes can see. It manifests not only in the grand landscapes that surround us, but also in the minute details that make up the very essence of our humanity. 

At the heart of this grace lies a deep connection between the macrocosm of the universe and the microcosm of atoms, a harmony that unites the vastness of space and the complexity of particles that form the fabric of our existence.

By exploring the mysteries of nature, we discover dimensions invisible to the naked eye, revealing structures and patterns of incredible splendor. From distant galaxies to the intricate patterns of snowflakes, from the spiral of a seashell to the perfect symmetry of molecules, each element of our reality carries within it a unique signature of universal magnificence.

In recognizing that perfection resides as much in the vastness of the universe as in the heart of atoms, we develop a deep respect and admiration for the complexity and interconnection of what surrounds and constructs us. 

SVETLINA by Aurore Klein
SAKTI by Aurore Klein

This also reminds us of our place in this grand scheme and the responsibility we bear as guardians of this fragile beauty, which extends far beyond what our eyes can perceive.

At the heart of our world lies a trinity of spirits, a sacred communion between the Earth, the Ocean, and the Forest. Witnesses to our existence, these natural forces transcend time and space, enveloping us in their ineffable majesty. Through this artistic trinity united by our universal consciousness and love, we celebrate the depth of our spiritual connection with these three elements and their unalterable presence in our lives. 


Aurore Klein is a multifaceted artist born in France, whose work spans across several fields such as photography, cinema, literature, and graphic arts. 

Self-taught, Aurore began her career as a photographer, specializing in portraiture and events.

Her inclusive project titled « REGARD » highlights sighted, blind, and visually impaired men, women, and children.

Aurore has participated in several group exhibitions, including « Regards Citadins » (2011) and « Regard » (2015).

Aurore has also traveled to Alaska, Canada, and Yellowstone to meet wild lands and animals in the company of professional wildlife photographers.

In 2022-2023, Aurore created the « SPIRIT » project, an eco-committed project aiming to show the beauty and the unseen of the Nature that surrounds us and is part of us.

Her collections of signed and numbered photographs can be seen at 

Aurore Klein
ÖREN by Aurore Klein

Benefiting Forest Restoration

The SPIRIT Collection consists of 100 unique photographs, all numbered, certified, and signed, attesting to their authenticity and value. Each photograph is available in a limited edition of 30 copies, ensuring their exclusivity. Each copy is sold at a price of €1200 in Fine Art printing by a certified laboratory in a 90×60 cm format, with a custom frame and anti-reflective glass.

ELÄMÄ by Aurore Klein
JANMA by Aurore Klein
ĀTAMAK by Aurore Klein
FAÍLTE by Aurore Klein
MUUJIZA by Aurore Klein
SVETLINA by Aurore Klein

Ever the dreamer, artist, and idealist, I find myself at a pivotal juncture where my passion for photography and my commitment to safeguarding our planet converge.

PLANET2024 and FREE SPIRIT have consistently been wellsprings of inspiration for me. The breadth of your endeavors, spanning from environmental advocacy to fostering human connections, all the while infusing audacious artistic projects, epitomizes a holistic and visionary approach.

It is both impressive and profoundly vital in today’s world; the world is in need of it. Beyond the magnificence of your actions and unwavering dedication, the love and support emanating from your foundations serve as a blueprint for what our world should aspire to be.

Your engagement across diverse and complementary domains reflects a nuanced comprehension of the challenges confronting our planet and the multi-faceted solutions essential for surmounting them.

This understanding of humanity and the living world aligns harmoniously with one facet of your movement that I deeply admire and that resonates profoundly with my own values.

You are not merely in the process of creating a movement; you are weaving a tapestry of change, uniting organizations, institutions, and individuals from various backgrounds around a shared objective: to make the world a better place.

Whether collaborating with esteemed institutions like UN Environment or engaging local communities in tree planting and educational endeavors, you exemplify how cooperation and concerted action can amplify our impact, expediting the transformation toward a more harmonious future.

Aurore Klein
MUUJIZA by Aurore Klein

With profound admiration for the mission championed by your foundation, I am eager to lend my voice to this movement. The photographic collection « SPIRIT, » which I have meticulously crafted, has drawn its essence from the embodiment of FREE SPIRIT as it stands today.

This collection is thoughtfully categorized into three components: Earth, Ocean, and Forest Spirit. It captures the ethereal, the enchantment inherent in our natural surroundings, and provides a contemplative, yet potent, commentary on the splendor of our world. Driven by the aspiration to align my artistic expression with a broader and more purposeful mission, I am keen to intertwine this collection with a commitment to donate 50% of its proceeds to PLANET2024 over the forthcoming years, supporting the « Ecosystem Restoration » plan spanning from 2024 to 2030.

I regard this endeavor not merely as a contribution to underpin your movement but also as an opportunity to utilize my artistic vision as a catalyst for generating awareness regarding the imperative task of preserving our Earth.

Your vision of endeavoring for a better world, fueled by love and collaboration, is both profound and reflective of my own worldview. For this reason, I am deeply honored to unite with you in expanding the sphere of influence of our shared endeavors.

With love,


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